Creating Custom Redemptions
Creating custom redemptions for twitch & other services that support this feature.
Last updated
Creating custom redemptions for twitch & other services that support this feature.
Last updated
If you use {0:user} in these areas, it will use the redeemer's name/id instead of the broadcaster. Allowing you to make a Run Command something like: !change {0:user} !jump
If you didn't use !change command with {0:user}, it would just be !jump. In this situation it would cause the broadcaster to jump instead of the redemption redeemer.
You can create custom redemptions that also take text input from the viewer. To make use of this feature you need to mark your command as "Not Exact Match" using the toggle option. Doing this will allow the command to run with extra text tagged on to the end. You can make use of this by using word replacements inside the "Run Command" And "Send Message" sections.
If the custom redemption is called !forcejump, if the user inputs another user's name, $(0) would be: !forcejump $(1) would be: user_name Making the !change $(1) !jump turn into !change clonzeh !jump (which would force my avatar to jump)
You can also use lua scripting commands with the custom redemption system.